legacy Tag

Seafall: A Nonsensical Endeavor | Captain&#...

Jan 26, 2017No Comments5395 Views

Dan, Matt and Steve are currenlty plundering what Seafall has to offer in its tightly sealed chests of secrets. This is a running log of

“Legacy” Games Wish List | LONG...

May 12, 2016No Comments3955 Views

The League is inspired to think of what other games that we love might make fun Legacy campaigns.

What We’ve Been Playing (11.9.2015)

Nov 09, 2015No Comments3035 Views

Find out what we were able to squeeze in this week! (11.9.15)

What We’ve Been Playing (10.26.2015)

Oct 26, 2015No Comments3121 Views

Our weekly recap of a few standout titles that made that cut this week (10/26/15)