Q&A Category

Question of the Month | Innovation

Mar 29, 2016No Comments2593 Views

Is there still value to creating games that are not fun or don’t work properly if the thought behind the design pushes the boundaries of

Question of the Month | The “Alpha...

Feb 26, 2016No Comments9933 Views

Do you feel that the “Alpha Gamer Problem” is one stemming from the player or the game itself?

Dead of Winter | Q & A

Aug 05, 2014No Comments8779 Views

Plaid Hat Games' Dead of Winter is all the rage. We were then able to grab some time with Jon Gilmour and Isaac Vega to

Indie Game Alliance | Q & A

Jun 09, 2014No Comments8981 Views

Matt Holden, Executive Director of the Indie Game Alliance, chats about the newly-formed collective of independent game studios that aim to venture on a challenging