Ep. 12 – Stephen Bounocore and Nonsensical Secret Santa | Podcast of Nonsensical Gamers

December 20, 2014

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The Podfather Cometh

strongholdgames-featured-imageEpisode 12 is here and it is packed full of gaming goodness! After recapping a bunch of excellent games that have hit our tables recently, the entire cast is joined by the Podfather himself, Stephen Bounocore, President of Stronghold Games. We run through the overflowing chest of goodies that is the 2014 Stronghold catalog, dig into the nitty gritty of publishing board games, get a sneak peek into the first two games of the Great Designer’s Series (Age of Reason & La Granja), and then jump completely away from all of that with our Nonsensical Secret Santa. Somewhere along we the way we learn what it means to be “Bounocored” and hear the truth behind Tiff and Stephen’s fateful meeting. Strap in, it’s a good one.


As always, we appreciate you taking the time to listen in, and hope you enjoy the show! Your support is always welcomed in the form of iTunes reviews, hearts on BoardGameLinks.com and suggestions for our BGG Guild!

Also, be sure to get in touch with us via Facebook (The League of Nonsensical Gamers), Twitter (@LeagueNonsense) and email (podcast@nonsensicalgamers.com)!

Matt: @SinUhMuhnBuhns

Tiff: @IneptGamer

Dan: @Scandalous_naD


Show Notes


0:01:37 What We’ve Been Playing
0:26:48 Interview: Stephen Bounocore
1:18:30 Nonsensical Secret Santa
1:36:08 Sign Off & Outtakes


Featured Games (in order of appearance):


CONTENT MANAGER/PODCAST HOST : Perpetual consumer of all things board, card and game. Lover of dice, card sleeves, and fancy meeples. Jack-of-all-games, Master of none.

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