Ep. 36 – Nonsensical Secret Santa | Podcast of Nonsensical Gamers

December 18, 2015

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It’s here! Episode 36 of PoNG is live and we’re continuing our run of annual Winter Holiday segments! This time, after discussing some of the games we’ve traded away recently, we’ll be reaching into the Nonsensical Secret Santa hat and seeing who in this crazy world we’ll be buying gifts for.

Be warned, there’s some excess testosterone found on this one.

What We’ve Been Playing
Failed and Flipped
Nonsensical Secret Santa
Things Get Weird

As always, we appreciate you taking the time to listen in, and hope you enjoy the show! Your support is always welcomed in the form of iTunes reviews, hearts on BoardGameLinks.com, and suggestions for our BGG Guild!

Also, be sure to get in touch with us via Facebook (The League of Nonsensical Gamers), Twitter (@LeagueNonsense) and email (podcast@nonsensicalgamers.com)!

Matt: @SinUhMuhnBuhns

Tiff: @IneptGamer

Dan: @Scandalous_naD

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CONTENT MANAGER/PODCAST HOST : Perpetual consumer of all things board, card and game. Lover of dice, card sleeves, and fancy meeples. Jack-of-all-games, Master of none.