blue orange games Tag

Ep. 89 – More Games from GenCon 2018

Sep 11, 2018No Comments17729 Views

Dan is back from his travels and is ready to discuss some more games played at Gen Con - Gizmos, Blue Lagoon, Scarabya, and more.

Ep. 88 – Tiff’s Gen Con 2018

Aug 15, 2018No Comments16074 Views

Dan is off being faux-European, so Matt and Tiff sit down to chat about all of the sights and sounds from Gen Con 2018. Please

Ep. 87 – Gen Con 2018 Preview

Aug 01, 2018No Comments15876 Views

We've made it all the way through the year and have officially landed at North America's biggest tabletop gaming convention - let's chat about what

Ep. 73 – Perfect Partial Obscurity

Sep 05, 2017No Comments4617 Views

Dan and Tiff went, saw, and conquered Gen Con 50. Let's jump in and hear what happened!

BCN 7.20.2017 – People Eating People

Jul 22, 2017No Comments4571 Views

It's time for the news! Join us for an update on the last month of board gaming!

Ep. 56 – Real Talk with Tiff & B...

Nov 17, 2016No Comments3020 Views

Another week without Dan allows the show to venture into dark territories. Matt and Tiff, joined by Ben, talk Arkham Horror, #Thematic, politics, censorship, Legacy

Wakanda | Review

May 01, 2015No Comments4927 Views

Wakanda, from designer Charles Chevallier, is a set collection game where two players compete in the ancient art of totem building!