plaid hat games Tag

Ep. 86 – Free Spirit Show

Jul 31, 2018No Comments14758 Views

Hi, there! Do you enjoy talking about games? Do you enjoy listening to people talk about games? Maybe you enjoy listening to three people make

BCN 5.18.17 – Teddy Graham Baths

May 26, 2017No Comments4088 Views

Yes, it's the news, but it's also critical reviews on why Rogue One was nap-worthy and philosophical discussions on sticky-sweet Teddy Graham baths. Plus, detailed

Boardcast News 6.30.2016 | Podcast of Nonse...

Jun 30, 2016No Comments3037 Views

Matt and Tiff take you through some quick news stories, including a handful of game announcements, then bounce over to Kickstarter for a bunch of

Ashes: Rise of Phoenixborn | Review

Nov 11, 2015No Comments8797 Views

As an Ashes player, you take control of a Phoenixborn driven mad with a lust for power, seeking only to destroy the others like yourself

Ben’s Top 5 of 2014

Jan 15, 2015No Comments4036 Views

There were some great board games released in 2014 and I played a lot of them. Somehow I was able to pick out 5 favorites

Building Treehouses in Suburbia

Jan 14, 2015No Comments3471 Views

Green Couch Games builds Best Treehouse Ever, Z-Man teases Pandemic Legacy, Suburbia exapands, FFG reprints a classic and Plaid Hat has a ridiculous pre-order.

Alliance Love Letters Sent Between Two Citi...

Nov 04, 2014No Comments3195 Views

AEG brings mass appeal with new Love Letter variants, Stonemaier Games announces their next Kicstarter success, Plaid Hat is taking pre-orders for Alliances and Toy

Dead of Winter Giveaway!

Oct 30, 2014No Comments5962 Views

The winner will receive 1 copy of Dead of Winter (including the Kodiak Colby promo card), the newest hotness to hit tabletop gaming from Plaid