raptor Tag

What We’ve Been Playing (2.08.16)

Feb 08, 2016No Comments3314 Views

Some new and cool games that got us through the recent week. (2.08.16)

Games We Wanted to Play in 2015 | LONG List

Jan 15, 2016No Comments4289 Views

We played a ton of games in 2015. A whole bunch, really. Even with all of that gaming, though, we just missed some.

Raptor | Review

Jan 06, 2016No Comments8032 Views

Take on the role of either a mama raptor and her babies, or a team of scientists in this engaging and interactive man versus dinosaur

What We’ve Been Playing (12.28.2015)

Dec 28, 2015No Comments2813 Views

The holidays are behind us and we are all reading rule books to our new games, but doesn't mean we didn't play any! (12/28/15)