All posts by Kelly B!

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CONTRIBUTOR: Pediatric Nurse. Shameless fangirl. Fierce competitor. Light gamer.

Games We Can’t Wait to Get From Kicks...

Feb 19, 2016No Comments3949 Views

Here we share with you our most exciting Kickstarter endeavors and let you know what we cannot wait to get from kickstarter!

Sports-Themed Games We Love | LONG List

Jan 29, 2016No Comments4574 Views

With Super Bowl 50 upon us, the League has taken the time to reflect on their favorite sports-themed games for you, dear reader. They may

Siggil | Review

Jan 22, 20162 Comments4439 Views

Behold the ancient Siggil, a snare for spirits from a long-forgotten age, where those bound were to be locked away for eternity. Now, however, the

Games We Wanted to Play in 2015 | LONG List

Jan 15, 2016No Comments4231 Views

We played a ton of games in 2015. A whole bunch, really. Even with all of that gaming, though, we just missed some.

Kelly’s Top 10 of 2015 | LONG List

Jan 04, 2016No Comments4718 Views

Kelly's top 10 of 2015!

Games We Hope Are Under Our Tree | LONG Lis...

Dec 22, 2015No Comments3551 Views

If you’ve been able to control yourself at all this year at your FLGS, then there are hopefully games that sit patiently, wrapped in beautiful

Mysterium | Review

Dec 17, 20151 Comment8794 Views

It’s up to you and your spirit-seeking friends to try and interpret the ghost’s hazy imagery in hopes of discovering his murderer so that he

Our Favorite Game Mechanics | LONG List

Dec 15, 2015No Comments3038 Views

We love all kinds of games. But we don’t all love the same kinds of games. We’d like to share with you some of our

Our Favorite Games About Food | LONG List

Nov 25, 2015No Comments3360 Views

In celebration of the glorious food with which we say thanks to those who are most important to us, The League brings you a list

Codenames | Review

Nov 09, 20152 Comments9279 Views

Find the other agents on your team. Watch out for civilians, the assassin and keep clear of enemy territory.