Kelly B Category

About Kelly

Listen, if you dare, and behold the tale of Kelly.

Kelly’s Top 10 of 2015 | LONG List

Jan 04, 2016
Kelly B!

Kelly's top 10 of 2015!

Kelly B’s Top 5 Gen Con Games

Jul 30, 2015
Kelly B!

I’m happy to avoid the bum rush that is the opening of the GenCon vendors hall. I’m also happy to learn about new games,try new games, win new games. I tried to avoid games that I’ve played before or just expansions from BGG’s list of games to check out at GenCon. I couldn’t avoid them all, though; sorry (note my

Kelly B’s Top 5 of 2014

Jan 14, 2015
Kelly B!

I'm fairly bad at keeping track of the games that I've played but I thought I'd take a stab at throwing together a list of my top 5 games from 2014 for you. Here we go!